Hello everybody!

I am back and this time I wanted to show you this Piktochart I create myself. In order to check it out just click here

Have you ever heard about this platform? In case you haven't, continue reading!

Piktochart is a web-based infographic application which allows users without experience as graphic designers to easily create infographics and visuals. The web site allows you to use templates but you can freely design yours how you wish.

For me, this has been my first time using this programme, so the creation process was pretty slow until I got used to it. But I found this tool increidibly useful for teachers, because through infographics we can explain a subject in a very visual way.

My infographic's title is "Teaching Statistics and Probability in Primary Education based on Daily Life Applications", and it sums up basically, as the title says, how we could teach Statistics and Probability to kids, through daily life applications, games or situations, that make the comprehension easier for them.

Hope you like it!

Create Infographics, Presentations & Flyers | Piktochart
